Elizabeth Cush on Fear and Anxiety
What’s beneath your worries? Woman Worriers host Elizabeth Cush shares her journey with fear and offers tools to help you cope with yours.
“Fear is so often the root of our anxiety.”
Show Notes:
If you’re listening to the Woman Worriers podcast, chances are you are no stranger to anxiety—and you’re certainly not alone. What’s beneath that anxiety? Most often, it’s fear. In this episode, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist and founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., talks openly about her own journey with fear, from her experiences with fear in early childhood and how fear has impacted her life to how it shows up in her life today—and how she faces it. In these worrisome times, the insights she shares can be a source of hope and inspiration. And if you’re struggling with fear in any part of your life, you can take advantage of the tools and resources she offers to help make your fear more manageable.
Listen and learn:
What types of fears might be driving your anxiety
How fear affects your voice
How the lessons we learn about feelings can make us anxious
What it’s like to explore a memory of a childhood fear
The kinds of things we fear—physical and emotional
How fears can stand in the way of our potential for happiness
How uncertainty in the face of the pandemic might be impacting our fears
A simple technique you can use when you start to feel anxious or fearful
How tapping into your fear can help you feel safe and find your voice
Where to get a free meditation that can help you deal with difficult emotions like fear
How anxiety can be your early warning system to help you act before the fear takes over
Why you can’t think your way out of feeling fear
How to build new neural pathways so you can manage anxiety and fear in the moment
Learn More:
> Request a free meditation to help you with feelings of fear and anxiety
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