Feeling Anxious? Create Space to Connect With Yourself
Elizabeth Cush on Creating Space to Connect With Yourself
What do you need right now? In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush talks about the importance of creating space to connect with yourself, especially when you are feeling stressed or anxious.
“It’s really important for us to have enough space in our daily living in order to know how we’re feeling.”
Show Notes:
Think about your day. How often do you pause to check in with yourself? Most of us don’t make a habit of pausing to consider our physical or emotional needs at any given moment—and yet that pause can be a powerful tool for helping us manage our anxiety. In this week’s episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist and founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., explores the benefits of pausing to connect with yourself in order to get in touch with your needs. She talks about how you can incorporate the pause in your own life and shares her personal experience with using the STOP technique successfully when she was experiencing social anxiety—and how you can use it to feel more grounded and present and show up more authentically for your life.
Listen and learn:
Why creating space for yourself in your daily life matters
How we might mask social anxiety and use coping mechanisms with negative consequences
How social anxiety holds us back
What “creating space” means and how it might look for you
What the STOP acronym stands for and how you can use it to create space for yourself
Questions that might be helpful to ask yourself when you are trying to tune into your body and your emotions to understand what is really going on in the moment
Why listening to what our body is trying to tell us takes so much practice—and why it’s so important
What unraveling social anxiety might look like
How to figure out when it might be most helpful for you to make space for yourself
The kinds of insights you could gain by creating space to connect with yourself
Why you shouldn’t beat yourself up for feeling anxiety or fear
How pausing to connect with yourself can ultimately lead to having more meaningful moments in your life
Learn More:
> Guided meditations from Progression Counseling
> Download Elizabeth’s free Mediation Guide for Worried Women
> Woman Worriers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook & Twitter
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