Elizabeth Cush on Healing Through Storytelling
Finding A New Perspective On The Past
Exploring your story can help you put the past in a new perspective. In this episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush shares her story of sexual abuse and talks about how telling it helped her heal.
“Telling our stories from the perspective of who we are today can be empowering. It can be life changing. It can support us in ways we might not have thought possible.”
Show Notes:
Many women struggle to feel seen and be heard. We tell ourselves that our stories don’t matter. In this week’s episode of the Woman Worriers podcast host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist and founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., shares her experience of abuse and how it impacted her. More importantly, she talks about how telling her story helped her find a new perspective on the past and turn a painful part of her childhood into a source of strength for herself and for her clients.
CAUTION: This content could be triggering if you have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
Listen and learn:
Elizabeth Shares about:
Growing up with anxiety as a child and a teenager
Her physical symptoms of anxiety
How feelings of shame encouraged people-pleasing
The challenges of speaking up for wants and needs
Her experience of abuse as a child
Why she became a therapist
Working with women who feel unauthentic in their lives
How therapy helped her
How she turned past abuse from a liability to a strength
Why it is important to share her story
The process of writing her story
Learn More:
> Marisa Goudy’s website
> Rebecca Wong’s website
> Blog post: A Story of Survival and Healing: A Therapist’s Journey Into Seeing and Being Seen
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