How to Be a Mom Without Losing Your Self
Doña Bumgarner on Parenting
As much as you love your kids, parenting can be a struggle. In this episode of Woman Worriers, host Elizabeth Cush talks with Doña Bumgarner about how ease some of your anxieties about being a mom.
“When you hear those stories about parents getting vastly judged, when you feel unsure about what your choices are in your own family, it becomes paralyzing.”
Show Notes:
Being a mom can be a great source of joy and fulfillment. But it can also be a great source of stress, anxiety and frustration. In this week’s episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., talks with Doña Bumgarner, host of the Nurturing Habit podcast and a life coach for frustrated moms. Together, they explore the challenges of parenting today and the societal pressures that can feed a mom’s anxiety. They also share perspectives on feeling OK about your choices for your family, tips on taking care of yourself without adding more tasks to your to-do list and ways to create a life that feels meaningful for you.
Listen and learn:
Why moms need coaching
The myth about parenting that drives much of our anxiety
Why social media adds to parenting anxiety—and how to put it into perspective
Why it can be more helpful to be more honest when we share
The role played by our expectations of ourselves as parents
The reality of being a mom: Sometimes it’s really boring
Why it’s OK not to love staying at home with your kids
Why reading “How to…” parenting books can add to our frustration and anxiety
Where to find the answers that are right for your family
How news headlines influence our parenting and add to our anxiety
Why it’s so important to get in touch with your values
Why you need to revisit and re-evaluate what’s important to you over time
How knowing your values helps protect you from overcommitting yourself
Why self care doesn’t come naturally to so many of us
The aspects of self-care that don’t show up on Instagram
How to keep self-care from becoming just a chore—and another source of stress
Where to find resources and support
Learn More
> Doña Bumgarner’s website
> Get Back in Control of Your Life workbook by Doña Bumgarner
> Nurtured Mama classes
> Doña Bumgarner on Instagram
> Doña Bumgarner on Facebook
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