Elizabeth Cush on Mindful Holidays
We’re heading into the holiday season. Woman Worriers host Elizabeth Cush offers some tips on handling the stresses that can come with it.
“Tune into your gratitude, appreciation, what matters to you during this holiday season.”
Show Notes:
Whether you celebrate Kwaanza, Christmas, Hannukah, Boxing Day, Winter Solstice—or nothing at all, the holiday season is upon us. It may be a joyful time, but it can also be overwhelming. In this episode of the Woman Worriers podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist and founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., offers some simple tips for minimizing holiday stress through mindfulness. She also provides information on a free online summit on Building Resilience in Anxious Times that’s happening now—and shares a glimpse of exciting news for the coming year.
Listen and learn:
Why the holiday season can be overwhelming, especially in the United States
How to hear holiday music mindfully
Where to find other opportunities to be mindful during the holiday season
How to use your senses to help you stay in the moment
How you can participate in a free online summit that offers expert perspectives on anxiety and creating a more resilient life
Where to connect virtually with other Woman Worriers beginning in January 2020
Learn More
> Register for the free online Change For Good Summit: Building Resilience in Anxious Times (through Nov. 30, 2019)
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