Robyn D’Angelo on the Importance of Connecting With Women
Do you feel isolated? Disconnected? If so, you’re not alone. In this episode of “Woman Worriers” Annapolis-based therapist Elizabeth Cush talks with Robyn D’Angelo, founder of The Wild Grace Collective, about women’s deep yearning for connection—with others and with self—and how to form the bonds that heal.
“I hope that every woman listening really finds that sisterhood she is craving, because we’re out here.”
Show Notes:
As a marriage and family therapist in southern California, Robyn D’Angelo, LMFT, kept hearing the same story from women she worked with: They were really, really lonely. They sensed something was missing, but they didn’t know what. Sometimes they blamed their spouse. But even when everything else in their life seemed OK, they felt isolated and disconnected. In this episode of Woman Worriers, therapist Elizabeth Cush, of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., talks with Robyn about why women need to feel deep connection no matter what is going on with the rest of their lives, how the barriers that sometimes keep us from connecting with other women can provide opportunities for growth and self-knowledge, and practical ways to get the connection you crave.
Listen and learn:
Why you can feel like something’s missing even when everything in you life seems “fine”
What exactly it is that many women are yearning for—and why they don’t have it
Why you might feel disconnected even if you have a lot of girlfriends—and what you can do about it
Keywords to use if you’re searching online for groups of women
Which video app can help when you need to talk—no matter what time of day
Why women need connection with other women
How our modern culture and conveniences have disconnected us
The neuroscience behind why it’s so important for women to relax, restore and reset the nervous system
The good things that happen when women gather purposefully
Why you need to know yourself before you can find your tribe
How to overcome the sense of being in competition with other women
How to use feeling uncomfortable as a growth exercise
How and why energy shifts as you get connected with your authentic self
How to get over the fear of making new friends
Learn More:
> On Instagram @TheWildGraceCollective
> The Happy Couple Experts of Orange County
> The Happy Couple Experts on Facebook
> On Instagram @TheHappyCoupleExperts
> Light Is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul’s Calling and Working Your Light by Rebecca
> “The Midlife Unraveling” blog post by Brene Brown
> Marco Polo app
> Woman Worriers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook & Twitter
> Woman Worriers Group on Facebook
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